Us Seniors

Elder et Soeur Arn & Jody

Friday, October 24


Arnold finally got his "get out of jail free" card and is back at work. He is doing very well as long as he uses his crutch to keep the pressure off of his knee, especially on the stairs.

The day that I hurt my knee we called the missionaries over to administer to me. They gave me a wonderful blessing that the pain would leave me soon and that I would be able to get up and around sufficiently to complete the work that the Lord sent us here to do.

Well after the blessing, the pain didn't leave right away but by that night, it was almost completely gone and I was able to sleep. After a few days the pain was practically all gone and now it is completely gone. I still followed the doctors advice and stayed off my feet for 10 days. But after that I was able to get up and down the stairs just fine and put in a full week's work. Well, almost a full week except for one day with a stomach ache that kept me home. (I attribute that to poor eating I had to try after feeling deprived for over a week.) I use a crutch to get around because the doctor cautioned that if I re-injure my knee it could be much worse next time. I am so grateful for the priesthood blessing given by these two faithful young missionaries. I bear testimony of their faith and the power of the priesthood they hold.


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