Us Seniors
We are staying with Arnold's mother in Salt Lake while we visit with relatives and friends in Utah before we enter the Missionary Training Center on April 2nd. We spent the night with our dear friends Don and Jill Urish last Saturday. They have been our good friends since high school. Don was Arnold's friend in high school and Jill was JoAnn's. We introduced them after we were married, and they soon thereafter were married also. We had a very nice visit with them and went to church with them on Sunday.
We then went up to Salt Lake to Arnold's Mom's place. We have had a very nice time visiting with her. She is 93 but you would never know. She is very active and works to keep herself attractive. She still lives by herself, drives her car (although the DMV is evaluating her this week to see if she can still drive - I have no doubt but she will pass with flying colors), and worked until just a couple of years ago.
We went up to Ogden on Tuesday. We went to the cemetery there and put flowers on JoAnn's Mom and Dad's gravesite. It was pouring rain, so we didn't stay long. It's funny even at age 63 JoAnn says, "I still miss my Mommy" and had to say goodbye before we left for France.
JoAnn's cousin Margo had asked for some family history that JoAnn had on our Mayflower ancestor, so we dropped that off at Uncle Ralph and Aunt Emma Lou's. It was fun to see them. Uncle Ralph still has a full head of dark hair. Aunt Emma Lou says it is because he has had such a soft life, no stress, just playing golf and bowling. Whatever he is doing, it sure seems to work.
That evening we had dinner with JoAnn's brother Bruce and his wife Carol and kids. It was a very pleasant evening. We went to the Lone Star, got a large table in back and just enjoyed taking our time eating and talking. Nicholas was there with his wife Teryn and their children Parker and new baby Madison. Parker is doing very well after her accident. She is really a doll. Nick and Teryn have done a great job with her. Christopher was there with his girlfriend. He has recently returned from serving 18 months in Iraq. We told him how proud we are of him and thankful for his service in defending democracy. He was visibly moved by that expression of gratitude. He now works for the Weber County Sheriffs Department. What a fine young man he is. Julieanne was there with her boyfiend (Ren Barrus), who coincidentally is entering the MTC at the same time we are. He is going to the Phillipines. Julieanne is going to Weber State, studying to be a school teacher. JJ and Johanna are living in Idaho, so we missed seeing them. They have two boys and are doing well. Bruce and Carol have done a wonderful job with their kids. They are all great people. We just wish we had more time to spend with them.
Yesterday, we went with Arnold's brother Mike and his mother to Arnold's Dad's grave site and put flowers there. Across the street from the cemetery was a farm house and the dog there kept barking at us. Then a horse whinnied to us. It sounded just like the way Arnold's Dad used to imitate a horse whinnying. He was so good at it that horses from all around would look up and whinny back at him. Maybe it was Grandpa Miller's way of wishing us luck on our mission.
Tonight, we are going to dinner with Arnold's brother Mike, sister Connie and their kids and grand kids.
I bet it was so great to visit with everyone. I hope you gave them our love. We want to hear more so keep up the blogging!
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